Cedar Revive Academy
We offer Consultancy, Face to face training or Zoom online (maximum of 10 candidates per session) and eLearning.
3 Hours face to face or e-learning
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the medical and social situations that where Texture Modification may be required.
- Understand the IDDSI framework and for fluids and food.
- Be able to prepare and recognise the textures for fluid and food.
- Understand the process of following the mealtime assistance information to assist those who require texture modification.
Malnutrition & Must
2 hours face to face linked with fortification or e-learning
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the definition of Malnutrition, the effects and complications.
- Consider feeding issues and how these could affect risk of malnutrition
- Understand how to identify malnutrition through subjective observations and using MUST.
- Care planning and treatment for malnutrition – what to put in place to manage the situation.
1 hour face to face or e-learning
Learning outcomes
- Identify the 14 allergens
- Know where to look for the information on the packaging of a product and the importance of following the recipe for the allergens within each dish
- Understand what happens in a food allergy and consequences of an allergic reaction
- Understand the importance of avoiding cross contamination
Ethnic & Cultural Diet
2 Hours face to face or e-learning
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the different food choices of ethnic and cultural diets
- Be aware of the importance of individuals interpretation of the diet and their choices and preferences
- Understand the nutritional consequences of restricted diets
Gluten Free
1 hour face to face or e-learning
Learning Outcomes
- Understand why a gluten free diet would be needed
- Become familiar with which ingredients and foods contain gluten
- Understand the importance of avoiding cross contamination
- Be aware of the options for Gluten free foods and a gluten free menu
1 hour face to face or e-learning
Learning outcomes
- Understand Diabetes and why diet is important in the treatment
- Understand the effects of different foods on blood sugar
- Be aware of the choices available for suitable menu choices for those with Diabetes
Dining Experience
1 Hour face to face or e-learning
Learning Outcomes
- Consider the importance of the dining experience of individuals food intake
- Understand the importance of customer care in the care catering service
- Protected mealtimes and how they work
Included in Malnutrition face to face or e-learning
Learning Outcomes
- Understand why we need to fortify foods?
- Foods to choose and how to use them
- Importance of using personal preference to best fortify foods.
Nutritional Care
3 hours face to face or e-learning
Learning outcomes
- Understand guidelines to use in nutritional care
- Understand process of nutritional assessment
- Nutritional Care Planning
1 Hour face to face or e-learning
Learning Outcomes
- Be aware of the nutrients required for a healthy diet
- Importance of Calcium in the diet and sources
- Importance of Iron in the diet and sources
Dementia & Diet
2 hours face to face or e-learning
Learning Outcomes
- Understand overview of Dementia journey
- Factors that affect dietary intake
- Taste and preference changes
Healthy Diet & Menu Planning
3 hours face to face or e-learning
Learning outcomes
- Eatwell plate and how this fits in to care catering
- Guidelines for menu planning for catering in care settings
- Understand the process and importance of getting and using customer feedback in menu planning.
Mealtime Assistance
3 Hour face to face
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding of the normal swallow process
- Introduction to dysphagia
- Some of the strategies that may be recommended to support people with swallowing difficulties
- How health professionals can help and when to refer
- Introduction to some of the specialist equipment and how to use it
- How to support someone to eat and drink (practical experience)
How to support Good Communication
3 hours face to face
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding of the link between communication and mental health
- Understanding of how to promote effective communication at different levels
- Introduction to using visual supports to promote choice and control
Process, Policies & Auditing Services
- Additional Needs Menus – (1 hour)
- Business Safe
- Care Catering Pathway
- Catering Audits – (2 hours)
- Digital Menus
- Dysphagia policy
- Nutritional Care Audit – (3 hours)
- Nutrition Policy
Induction to the Chef Manual
- Work with care home chefs to create & develop a new menu which is balanced and has been nutritionally analysed – using the chef’s and CedarRevive recipe bank.
2 hours per location for each week’s menu - Through food focus group sessions consult with residents & care staff about menu choices & options.
2 hours per location for each month’s menu - Produce a 4 weekly Chef Manual for each individual care home.
2 hours per location - Produce a product list of CedarRevive recommended items vs current purchases.
2 hours per location